Monday, March 17, 2025

২০২২ সালের PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English language and literature

২০২২ সালের PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English language and literature

প্রিয় চাকরির প্রার্থী ভাই ও বোনেরা , Eduexplain আজ আপনাদের জন্য  ২০২২ সালের PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English language and literature প্রশ্ন উত্তর  নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। এখানে আপনারা ২০২২ সালের PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English language and literature এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি শিট(sheet)। যা আপনাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিকে আরো জোরদার করবে।

 যা  আপনারা পিডিএফ হ্যান্ডনোট আকারে সংগ্রহ করতে পারবেন । তাহলে চলুন , শুরু করি।


১৭তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন (স্কুল/সমপর্যায়)

  1. আজকাল নারীরা জীবনের সর্বক্ষেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করছে
-Nowadays women are playing important role in all spheres of life
  1. I fancy (turn) a trifle pale-turned
  1. I He fell– a trap.-into
  1. I would rather die–   than
  2. -beg
  1. The prince has no ambition– the throne
  1. Which is the noun of the word wise? -Wisdom
  2. Ups and downs means
-rise and fall
8.The verb form of ‘strong’ is -strengthen
9.—best companions in life.
-Books are men’s
  1. তিনি সৎ লোক ছিলেন, তাই না?
-He was an honest man, wasn’t he?
  1. The synonym of ‘incredible’ is -unbelievable
12.The antonym of ‘Honorary’ is -salaried
  1. Kalam is as strong as Salam (Comparative)
-Salam is not stronger than Kalam.
  1. The synonym of ‘Prudent’ is -insightful
  2. Without working hard, you can not succeed. (Compound)
-Work hard or you can not succeed.
  1. Over-flooding is one of the worst problems in our country (Positive)
-Very few problems in our country are as bad as over-flooding
  1. What can not be cured must be endured. (Active)
-We must endure what we can not cure 18. Let us love our country. (Simple) -We should love our country
  1. Noun form of the word ‘comfortable’ is
  1. I look forward to (receive) a letter from you
  1. He is so dull that
-He can not understand anything
  1. I have left the room but he (enter) the room
-has entered
  1. The man is– his son’s fault.
-blind to

১৭তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন [সহকারী শিক্ষক (স্কুল পর্যায়-২)]

  1. যারে দেখতে নারি তার চলন বাঁকা।
-where love is thin!
  1. Faults are thick তুমি কি জানো সে কোথায় থাকে?
-Do you know where he lives?
  1. আজ বৃষ্টি হতে পারে?
-It may rain today What is the antonym of ‘transparent’?
  1. The synonym of ‘Prestige’ is
  1. What is the antonym of antagonistic?
  1. What is the adjective of ‘Laud’? -Laudable
  2. What is the verb form of Popularity? -Popularize
  3. Noun form of ‘blind is
  1. I will not go out if it –
10.One of the boys absent yesterday. -was
  1. She talked as though she– the CEO of that company
-had been
  1. You had better (to go) there.
-You had better go there
  1. I saw him (go) there.
  1. Time flies very fast. (Exclamatory) -How time flies!
  2. Everybody accepts this. (Interrogative)
-Who does not accept this?
  1. We will explain why we want to do it. (passive)
-Why we want to do it will be explained by us
  1. We work hard to earn money. (Compound)
-We work hard and we want to earn money
  1. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘a man of letters”?
-A scholar
  1. ‘Do away with’ means
-to remove something
  1. It is high time you– a business. -started
  2. Navid told Sumon that he (go) to Khulna the next day.
-would go
  1. ‘Bolt from the blue’ means
-a danger without warning
  1. Adjective form of ‘ambition’ is -ambitious
  2. He is a liar. ?
-isn’t he?

যুব উন্নয়ন অধিদপ্তর (সহকারী উপজেলা যুব উন্নয়ন কর্মকর্তা)

  1. To be or not to be’ was taken from  -Hamlet
2.Two thirds of the mangos– rotten. -were
  1. The expression Take into account means?
  1. Which one is a correct sentence? -The man as well as his sons was present.
  2. You are– Maradona, I see.
-The appropriate article will be used in the blank is
  1. The phrase make up for means  -Compensate
  2. Use the appropriate preposition in the blank. This culture is alien– our society.
  1. We found the house
  1. ‘If Winter comes, can spring be far behind?’ who said this?
-PB Shelley
  1. Which two cities are dealt in ‘A tale of two cities?
-London and Paris
  1. We made them go there. বাক্যটির সঠিক বঙ্গানুবাদ কোনটি?
-আমরা তাদেরকে যেতে বাধ্য করলাম।
  1. I know his residence. (make it complex)
-I know where are they residing
  1. It is an email address. In this sentence email is–
  1. If I had a pen, I (write) a letter. Here the right form of the verb is?
-would wrote
  1. What is the name of the great American short story writer O. Henry? -William Sydney Porter
  2. The Waste Land is a Poem by
-T. S. Eliot
  1. The man addicted to–
  1. Synonym of the word ‘consolidate’ is
  1. Alfred Tennyson was a
-victorian poet

১৭তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন (সহকারী শিক্ষক (কলেজ পর্যায়)

  1. ‘I know you. Choose the complex form
-I know who you are
2.– course of time, he became a famous writer.
3.– ink in my pen is red.
  1. Complete the sentence with appropriate word: Poly ran fast lest she –miss the class.
  1. Which one is correct?
-There is no room for doubt in it
  1. Which one is the correct English translation of ‘অসারের তর্জন গর্জন সার’? -A barking dog seldom bites./An empty vessel sounds much
  2. The doctor will come back to the ward in no time.
The underlined phrase means -instantly
  1. The memoranda– not important
  1. The word ‘decade’ refers to
-ten years
  1. No spelling occurs in–
  1. None but– brave deserve– fair.
-the, the
  1. If you help me, I– grateful.
-will remain
  1. Which is the correct form of Assertive of ‘Who does not like a rose?” -Everyone likes a rose
  2. Had you walked fast, you– the train. correct form of verb
will be
-The would not have missed.
  1. ‘গাছে এখনো ফল ধরে নাই’ The best translation is
-The tree has not yet borne fruit.
16.The word ‘heritage’ refers to -tradition
  1. The price of mango is high in our country. we turn this land into a mango orchard?
-what if
  1. Ignorance is obstacle– progress.
  1. Very few insects are as busy as a bee. The correct comparative form of the sentence is
-A bee is busier than most other insects
  1. Fifty miles–not a long distance
21.He came here yesterday. Choose the correct interrogative form of the sentence.
-Did he come home yesterday?
  1. The verb form of ‘danger’ is -endanger
  2. ‘যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল’ The translation is
-As you sow, so you reap
  1. The antonym of ‘vice’ is

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (সহকারী শিক্ষক ১ম পর্যায়)

  1. If the price is low, demand
-will increase
  1. There is milk in the bottle a little What is an epic?
-a long poem.
  1. “To break the ice” means
-to start a conversation
  1. The correct spelling is
  1. Agomoni School is one of the best -city
  1. The Principal will — the answer scripts.
-took over
  1. I look forward to
-hearing from you soon
  1. I water the plants. The word ‘water’ is used as
-A verb
  1. Are you doing anything special– the weekend?
  1. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means
-very rarely
  1. He came to Dhaka with a view to– a new place.
  1. “Leave no stone unturned” means -try every possible means
  2. Choose the correct spelling -Achievement
  3. Remove শব্দটির Noun
  1. If I– you, I would not have done this.
  1. Choose the correctly spelt word  -Bureau
  2. Change the voice: “Where did you see him?”
-Where was he seen by you?
  1. Learn the poem– heart.

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (সহকারী শিক্ষক ২য় পর্যায়)

  1. ‘সকালে পরিখা কিচিরমিচির করে।’ ইংরেজিতে
-Birds twitter at dawn
  1. ‘Syntax’ means
-Sentence building
  1. The minister told his officials to– a press conference.
  1. ‘Oncology’ relates to
  1. A remedy for all diseases
  1. ‘Brain child’ means
-a person’s idea
  1. A stage of short sightedness
  1. A state where all religions are respected
  1. Which of the following is in plural form?
  1. I need to install an–  fan in the kitchen.
  1. Man did not know that earth moves round the sun until it was–
  1. What does CV stand for?  -Curriculum Vitae
  2. Can you tell me where –?
-Rahim lives
  1. To everyone’s surprise he got the– examination.
  1. He was brought to the police station for
  1. What is the meaning of the word ‘Vice Versa?”
-The terms being exchanged
  1. A lot of news in those papers –unreliable
  1. To read between the lines’ means -To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
  2. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর (সহকারী শিক্ষক-২০২০) [৩য় পর্যায়]

  1. He is jealous– my prosperity
  1. Penny wise pound —
  1. ‘Out and out’ means
  1. ‘Felicitation’ means
-Expression of good wish
  1. The reading of history is interesting। এখানে reading কী হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে?-Verbal Noun
  2. Sin is to confess as fault is to
  1. If a substance is cohesive, it tends to -stick together
  2. Which is the meaning of ‘White Elephant’?
-A very costly or troublesome possession
  1. He insisted– my going there
  1. A ‘Myth’ is —
-a imaginany person or thing
  1. Which spelling is correct?  -Secretariat
  2. Which one is similar to Adult:Child -Cat:Kitten
  3. What is the adjective of the word ‘Heart’?
  1. Which is the verb of the word ‘Ability’?
  1. The Antonym of the word ‘awesome’
  1. What is the synonym of ‘Competent’?
  1. A person who was before another person’ refers to
  1. The study of plants
  1. What is the adjective form of the word ‘People”?
  1. Which one is the correct passive form of ‘Who will do the work?”
-By whom will the work be done?

বাংলাদেশ টেলিকমিউনিকেশন্স কোম্পানি লি. নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (জুনিয়র অ্যাসিস্টেন্ট)

  1. Select the pair which has the same relationship. ORTHOPEDIC: BONE -Psychiatry:Mind
  2. He told me that he– watching the movie.
-had finished
  1. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word ‘EMBRACE’,
  1. I haven’t seen you– a week.

SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম  শ্রেণির  শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে

  1. If– I would not lose temper.
-I were you
  1. Shariful– overtime for the last two weeks.
-has been working
  1. The meeting has been–due to the demise of the Minister.
-called off
  1. There are– opportunities to learn form this excellent project.
  1. The suitable synonym of the word honest is
  1. The suitable antonym of the word feasible is
  1. Big Shop Ltd. set up a cold storage in Rajshahi for preserving agricultural products, but so far the company– the clearance from the Agriculture Ministry.
-would not take
  1. We hope that by the end of this month, the cost of the maintenance of the tower–
-will be estimated
  1. As–  of the students can afford this high tuition fee, –will need scholarships.
  1. Her proposal– the new ICT policy seems more suitable than any of the others.
15.–the forthcoming training, we– able to find the skilled engineers.
-Through/will be

বাংলাদেশ কেমিক্যাল ইন্ডাস্ট্রিজ করপোরেশন নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক প্রশাসন)

  1. Another elected government in Pakistan– to finish its term.
-was failed
  1. For months. –media has reported on how terribly the people have been suffering
  1. The special service– desk formally inaugurated by the prime minister on April 10.
-was .
  1. Discussions should be held in parliament to address– loopholes in the law.
  1. This initiative should be provided– the necessary support from the government.
  1. Slowdown of employment growth will result in higher unemployment and can– affect wages and labour income -Adversely
  2. Shoppers on low-budget are– the makeshift shops on footpaths and open spaces.
  1. Slow job growth may raise unemployment and prevent the economy from benefitting from the– of working age population.
  1. Medium industries– more than half of their jobs as the number of medium factories dipped 48%.
  1. Rising capital– and adoption of advanced technologies were major reasons behind the sluggish employment growth.

বাংলাদেশ কম্পট্রোলার অ্যান্ড অডিটর জেনারেল নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (সিনিয়র অ্যাকাউন্টস ক্লার্ক)

  1. –mother rose in her.
  1. The verb form of ‘Politics’ is  -Politicize
  2. To keep one’s head means
-to keep calm in difficult situation
  1. ‘Pride and prejudice’ is
-a novel
  1. What is an epic?
-A long narrative poem
  1. The man was– murder.
-hanged for
  1. ‘মানব জাতি এখন সংকটাপন্ন’ এর সঠিক ইংরেজি অনুবাদ কোনটি?
-Mankind is at stake now
  1. Water: Evaporate; Ice:
  1. Which one is incorrectly spelled -Inauguration
  2. The synonym of ‘pinnacle’ is
  1. ‘Dormant’ is similar to
  1. Change the speech: ‘May God bless you’ He said to me.
-He wished that God might bless me 13. Don’t laugh at the poor. (Make it passive)
-Let not the poor be laughed at
14.– he would have passed the admission test
-If he had studied more
  1. You had better– the offer.
  1. Each of the students who filled out the admission form– the test
-has appeared at
  1. There is little milk in the glass. (Make it interrogative)
-Is there any milk in the glass?
  1. It is I who am to blame. Name the pronoun of the underline word
-Relative pronoun

বাংলাদেশ রেলওয়ে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (স্টেশন মাস্টার)

  1. ‘Ballad’ is
-A kind of short narrative poem
  1. ‘May Allah help you’. It is an
-optative sentence
  1. Choose the correct translation of the proverb: চোরে চোরে মাসতুতো ভাই
-Birds of the same feather flock together
  1. He runs fast. Here the underlined word is
-an adverb
  1. He divided the money– the two children.
  1. Fill in the gap. Birds fly– In the sky
-at large
  1. The door opened automatically’ The verb in this sentence is
-Intransitive verb
  1. I wish I– go travelling around the world.
  1. The mob– Dispersed.
  1. Robert Frost is a famous.
-American poet
  1. Change the voice: ‘Who is calling me?”
-By whom I am being called
  1. Which of the following is always feminine?
  1. Choose the indirect speech of the sentence: He said to me ‘Thank you’. -He thanked me
  2. Choose the correct antonym for: ‘oblige’
  1. Who is the writer of the ‘Harry Potter’ series?
-J.K. Rowling
  1. A Sonnet is a poem having– lines.14
  2. ‘Jaws of Death’ is an example of -Metaphor
  3. The plural number of ‘Bureau’ -Bureaux
  4. Don’t make a noise while your father.
-is sleeping

রুরাল পাওয়ার কোম্পানি নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (উপসহকারী প্রকৌশলী)

  1. Jakır has been ill– three months.
  1. Far cry means
-Out of reach
  1. Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
  1. Which the people come, Rahim sneaked in through the window what type of sentence is this?
  1. Which one is synonym of farce? -Mockery

বিমান বাংলাদেশ এয়ারলাইন্স লিমিটেড নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২২ (ম্যাটেরিয়াল ম্যানেজমেন্ট অ্যাসিসটেন্ট/ প্ল্যানিং অ্যাসিসটেন্ট)

  1. The Parthenon is and– corrected in the Age of Pericles.
-to have been
  1. If submissive is to Disobedient, then which of the following is correct? -observe-defy
  2. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. Here the underlined word means
  1. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘more than meets the eyes? -appearance can be deceiving
  2. Fill in the appropriate preposition: Are you still brooding– what he said? -over
  3. The closest meaning of XENOPHOBIA is
-Prejudice against foreigners
  1. What is the antonym of ‘galore’?  -Meager
  2. Which one is the noun form of ‘revolt”?
  1. ‘Such people are not found now’ the determiner in this sentence is
  1. George Eliot was the pen name of -Mary Ann Evans
  2. Change the speech to active: Why was he punished by the teacher?
-Why did the teacher punish him?
  1. What is the opposite gender of ‘Roe’?
  1. I opened the door as soon as I –the bell.
  1. The synonym of the word ‘slothful’ is
  1. Which of the following is written in blank verse?
-Paradise Lost
  1. Which spelling is correct?  -Exaggeration
  2. The word ‘Cartographer’ means
-A person who draws map
  1. When did the Romantic Period of English Literature start?
  1. Cold he Explain why he turned it down? The underlined is a/an
-Noun clause

বাংলাদেশ কৃষি উন্নয়ন করপোরশন নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা- ২০২২ (উপসহকারী প্রকৌশলী)

  1. Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty?
  1. Which one is always used as singular?
  1. What is the superlative degree of ‘bad”?
  1. Which one is not a flower?
  1. The rape of Bangladesh’ is written by -Authony Mascarenhas

হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রকের কার্যালয় CGA (অডিট-২০২২)

  1. Which is the feminine form of ‘Captain”?
-None of thern
  1. “All spoke in his favour”- here ‘all’ is? -pronoun
  2. A doctor who treats eye diseases  -ophthalmologist
  3. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb: “The Police– informed yesterday.”
  1. Who is the author of “A Farewell To Arms”?
-Ernest Hemingway
  1. A speech full of too many words is
-A verbose speech
  1. What is the meaning of ‘soft soap”? -flattery for self motives
  2. Which of the following words are dissimilar to the other three?  -Diphtheria
  3. Which one of the four below is most unlike the other three?
  1. Water is to Oxygen an salt to -sodium
  2. ‘Hold water’ means
-bear examination
  1. What is the synonym of ’emancipate’?
-set free
  1. “What are you so angry– ? the word in the gap is
  1. “There are– dangerous drivers.” the word in the gap.
-a lot of
  1. What is the synonym of ‘jovial’?  -Jolly
  2. The phrase ‘Achilles Heel’ means? -a weak point
  3. “Credit Tk 50– my account”. the word in the gap is
  1. An ordinance is
-a law
  1. Syntax means
-sentence building

কন্ট্রোলার জেনারেল ডিফেন্স ফাইন্যান্স (অডিট-২০২২)

  1. Chaucer first used his rhyme-royal stanza in which literature?
-Troilus and Criseyde
  1. A term that implies literature which has no or not much significance is -Grub Street
  2. Which of the following word represents antonyms of the word ‘Laconic’?
  1. Nobody knows how the Indian cricket team is going to cope with the difficult and seamer- friendly wickets in Australia. Choose the option which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase in the above sentence.
– put up with
  1. Choose the correct Narration of the sentence- Не said, “I shall go as soon as possible”.
-He said that he would go as soon as possible

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