Friday, March 14, 2025

২০২৩ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature

প্রিয় চাকরির প্রার্থী ভাই ও বোনেরা , Eduexplain আজ আপনাদের জন্য  English Language & Literature  প্রশ্ন উত্তর  নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। এখানে আপনারা English Language & Literature এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি শিট(sheet)। যা আপনাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিকে আরো জোরদার করবে।

২০২৩ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature হতে বিভিন্ন চাকরি পরীক্ষায় আগত প্রশ্ন

মাইক্রোক্রেডিট রেগুলেটরি অথরিটি (সহকারী পরিচালক)
সিকিউরিটি প্রিন্টিং প্রেস (সহকারী পরিচালক)
বাংলাদেশ সড়ক পরিবহণ কর্তৃপক্ষ (মোটরযান পরিদর্শক)
বাংলাদেশ বেসামরিক বিমান চলাচল কর্তৃপক্ষ (এরোড্রাম কর্মকর্তা) সহ ১৩ টি প্রশ্নের উত্তর 

SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম  শ্রেণির  শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে

প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক (প্রথম পর্যায়)

  1. What type of noun is kindness?  -Abstract
  2. An ordinance is
-a law
  1. The word respond is
-a verb
  1. What is the Bengali meaning of ‘Time is up?
-সময় শেষ
  1. Identify the correct spelling
  1. He had a– headache.
  1. If you read, you will learn. The sentence is a
– complex
  1. Cat’s sleep means
-Pretension of sleep
  1. A synonym for ‘synergy’ is
  1. Who is the author of A farewell to Arms?
-Ernest Hemingway
  1. He died– the injury.
  1. The French refers to
– The French People
  1. “Duck’ is the feminine gender of -Drake
  2. The correct spelling is
  1. A drawing Man catches– a straw.
  1. I will write down the phone number –at forget.
-in case
  1. BROCHURE’ Means
  1. Salt of life stands for
-valuable things
  1. Which one is singular? → -Hypothesis
  2. He– here since Christmas.
-has not been

English Language & Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation

মাইক্রোক্রেডিট রেগুলেটরি অথরিটি (সহকারী পরিচালক)

  1. ‘Hold water’ means
-Bear examination
  1. Which of the following sentence is correct?
-I forbade him from going & I forbade him to go
  1. Identify the singular number
  1. Pediatric relates to the treatment of -Children
5.–was both a poet and painter
-William Blake
6.The Renaissance period was -1500-1660
  1. I need someone to help me to translate this webpage– Japanese.
  1. MALAFIDE means
-Bad intension
-Event: Memories
  1. What– last night?
-did you do
  1. Once in blue moon’ means
-very rarely
  1. Do you enjoy teaching?” Here ‘teaching’ is a/an
  1. Give her a telephone number to ring– she gets lost.
-in case
  1. The word ‘tremendous’ means -Excellent & Great
  2. The synonym of ‘EFFACE’
-rub out
  1. Which of the following words is in singular form?
-Radius & formula
  1. What is the verb form of the word ‘acquisition”?
  1. A passage to India’ is written by
-E. M. Forster
  1. The past participle of ‘swim’ is  -swum
  2. The antonym of ‘winsome’ is

সিকিউরিটি প্রিন্টিং প্রেস (সহকারী পরিচালক)

  1. Find the indirect form the sentence: ‘Thanks, my friends.
-He thanked his friends
  1. Find the passive form of the sentence: “The news will shock you. -You will be shocked by the news
  2. Fill the gap in the sentence: ‘He was so absorbed- his book that he didn’t notice the time passing
  1. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: The tree has been blown–by the storm.
  1. Pick appropriate word and complete the sentence: They travelled– the mountains to reach the remote village.
  1. Choose the correct meaning: He raised his eyebrow at my explanation. -show surprise of disapproval
  2. The antonym for ‘Recalcitrant’ is -Compliant
  3. The synonym for ‘Obdurate’ is  -Stubborn
  4. The term ‘Genesis’ is same as  -Beginning
  5. Which of the following is the opposite of the word ‘Ingenious”?  -Incompetent
  6. Running is a good exercise. Here is ‘running’ is
  1. Fill in the blank with right option: ‘I am looking forward- you.’
-to seeing
  1. Select the correct sentence from the following options.
-The man who stole my bag was tall
  1. Fill in the blank with correct phrase: ‘He– arrested if he had tried to leave the country.’
-would have been
  1. The expression ‘after one’s own heart’ means.
-to one’s own liking
  1. Which one of the following is the analogy of COBBLER: SHOE? -Contractor: Building
  2. The analogy of SLAPSTICK: LAUGHTER is
-Horror: Fear
  1. Which of the following resembles DISTANCE: LIGHT YEAR?
-Weight: Scale
  1. Which one of the following spelling is correct?
  1. Choose the correct spelling from the following?
  1. The phrase ‘Prima facie’ means
-At first sight
  1. Which of the following words is a verb?
  1. Which of the following is not an adjective?
  1. Pick appropriate word and complete the sentence: ‘We asked him why he– telephoned earlier
-had not
  1. Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: “The price of daily necessaries increases by
-leaps and bounds

বাংলাদেশ সড়ক পরিবহণ কর্তৃপক্ষ (মোটরযান পরিদর্শক)

  1. Choose the right idiom for the sentence: The things are lying on the table
-at sixes and sevens
  1. The synonym of the word ‘pacify’ is -Appease
  2. The antonym of ‘gloomy’ is
  1. The boy was charged– theft.
  1. What is the meaning of ‘genocide? -Deliberate killing of a whole group of race of people
  2. An urologist is one who treats the disease of
  1. Our building has been built– the new plan. The right word for the gap is
-in accordance with
  1. If I– would not give up the job
-were you
  1. Which of the following sentence is correct?
– Discuss the matter in detail
  1. Make a tag question of the sentence: ‘I need some books’ -?
-don’t I
  1. Translate the sentence in English: ‘বাঁচ এবং বাঁচতে দাও।’
-Live and let live
  1. NB is the abbreviation of
– Nota Been
  1. ‘The green-eyed monster’ means
– jealousy
14.The passive form of the sentence: ‘Shoot the tiger’ is
-Let the tiger be shot
  1. The word ‘Lunar’ is related to
  1. Identify the masculine gender ram Select the correctly spelt word
  1. The man died– suicide, Fill in the gap with an appropriate preposition.  -by
  2. Who of the following is a novelist? -Charles Dickens

English Language & Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation

বাংলাদেশ বেসামরিক বিমান চলাচল কর্তৃপক্ষ (এরোড্রাম কর্মকর্তা)

1.Which sentence is correct?
-This is a unique case
  1. Which is the noun of the word ‘beautiful’?
– Beauty
  1. The meaning of the word ‘Obese’ is  -Very fat
  2. Identify the imperative sentence  -Stand up
  3. Fill in the gap with the suitable word: To stay healthy, we must plan to have a balanced
  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word: My friend always goes home– foot.
  1. At least one of the students– full marks every time.
  1. The second world War broke– in September 1939.
  1. As the sun–  I decided to go out.
-Was shinning
  1. Which of the following sentences is the correct one?
-Paper is made from wood
  1. Fill in the blanks: Can I have– milk in my coffee?
  1. Choose the correct sentence
-I have a lot of work to do
  1. Which of the following words is not plural?
  1. What is the feminine gender of ‘Duke”?
  1. Which one is superlative of ‘Little? -Least
  2. I walked fast–I should miss the train
  1. The word ‘Gravity’ is
-A noun
  1. I went there– my bike.
  1. The Phrase ‘Tide Over’ means → -Overcome
  2. The passive voice of ‘Mend your ways’ is
-Your ways should be mended

স্থানীয় সরকার প্রকৌশল অধিদপ্তর (কর্মসহকারী)

  1. Which one of the following is the noun form of ‘legally?
  1. Give the antonym of the word ‘transitory’
  1. ‘Man is political animal’- who said this?
  1. Where is the setting of the play ‘Hamlet’?
  1. Which one is wrong?
-Turn into a new leaf
  1. The quote, ‘Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower’ is by -Albert Camus
  2. Which of the following is always feminine?
  1. ‘Great Expectation’ is novel written by
-Charles Dickens
  1. The word ‘Cartography’ relates to  -The process of making maps
  2. He was not conversant– the plan. -with
  3. Which one is the correct spelling? -Chauffeur
  4. My father does not like terrorism and
-neither do I
  1. The word ‘wink’ means
-To close one eye briefly
  1. The word ‘Shrug indicating doubt ference is associated with
  1. Find the Bangla meaning of ‘pass over
-প্রতিক্রম করা
  1. –a Taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train
-If we had taken
  1. তিনি রাগে গরগর করেছেন।
-He is boiling with rage
  1. If somebody is ‘supine in the face of racial justice he/she
-Fails to protest it

সামরিক ভূমি ও ক্যান্টনমেন্ট অধিদপ্তর (সহকারী শিক্ষক)

  1. Meaning of ‘Simile’ is
  1. Epithalamion’
-A poem or song has written to celebrate a wedding
  1. Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness is ritten by
-John Keats
  1. Which one is correct?
-It is one year since he died?
  1. Everybody Knows that sincerity is–  the key to success
  1. Meaning of ‘Envious’ of
-কেউ তাকে ঈর্ষা করে
  1. The boy said, ‘Good night mother’ is -Positive sentence
  2. A Rainy Day’ means
  1. A Change came–  him after his father’s death
  1. This was a decisive victory’-এর অর্থ -এটা ছিল চূড়ান্ত বিজয়

সামরিক ভূমি ও ক্যান্টনমেন্ট অধিদপ্তর (জুনিয়র শিক্ষক)

  1. If you freeze water, it becomes a solid. The sentence is
-Zero conditional
  1. She enjoys reading and writing, which statement s correct for the sentence?
-Compound co-ordination Conjunction  3. Nominative Case of ‘He’
  1. Who is calling me? Change the voice  -By whom am I being called?
  2. He adapted– new changes.
  1. I(see) him recently.
-have seen
  1. ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on’ is from
-The tempest

পিএসসি (সিনিয়র স্টাফ নার্স)

English Language & Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation

  1. What kind of noun is ‘class’? -Collective
  2. Which word can be used both as a verb and a noun?
-Carry, Better, Lecture
  1. Let us discuss the problem –telephone.
  1. Identify the masculine gender
  1. The opposite word is ‘friendliness’ is -Enmity
  2. The antonym for patient’ is
  1. Fill in the gap: She goes to–University everyday.
-no article
  1. ‘Do call a taxi’. What kind of sentence is this?
  1. We can join two sentence by  -semicolon
  2. The correct passive of ‘Smoke filled the room’ is
-The room was filled with smoke
  1. Which word is neutral in meaning? -Spouse
  2. Which word is not an adverb? -Cowardly
  3. Fill in the gap: Tears rolled–her cheeks.
  1. Which one is example of a positive degree?
  1. The plural form of thesis is
  1. One should take care of health. -one’s
  2. The word ‘motherly’ is a/an adjective ‘Fifty miles (be) a long way’. Use right form of verb
  1. Nursing is a noble profession. The underlined word is a/an
  1. ‘Break a leg’ means
-good luck

পাওয়ার গ্রিড কোম্পানি অব বাংলাদেশ (টেকনিক্যাল অ্যাটেনডেন্ট)

  1. This is– easy task.
  1. Which one is correct?
  1. Dhaka is– largest city in the Bangladesh. Fill in the blank
  1. What is the feminine gender of Fox? -Vixen
  2. She is a beautiful lady, the ‘beautiful’ is
  1. Plural for of ‘Man’ is
  1. He is– honest Man. Fill in the blank -an
  2. Which of the following word is ‘verb’?
  1. Hurrah! We have won the game. এটি কোন ধরনের Sentence.
  1. Have you ever– to Cox’s Bazar? Fill in the blank.

বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্ট (প্রটোকল অফিসার)

  1. The word ‘wisdom’ is a
  1. Which one is feminine gender? → -bitch
  2. Would you mind –a cup of coffee with me?
  1. ‘Many a little makes a mackle.’ What is the correct Bengali translation of the above proverb?
-বিন্দু থেকে সিন্ধুর সৃষ্টি হয়
  1. The driver got– the car.
  1. The antonym of the word ‘delete’ is  -Insert
  2. Meter is– unit of length.
  1. The idiom ‘cats and dogs’ means
-rain very hard
  1. The expression, ‘Birds of same feather’ means
-Persons in similar nature
  1. What is the Bengali meaning of ‘hard and fast”?
  1. She went away–
  1. ‘Bird’s eye view’ means
-a rough idea
  1. The passive voice of ‘Shut the door is
-Let the door be shut
  1. Choose the correctly spelt word. -Succession
  2. If something does not make sense, it is not
  1. The poem “The patriot’ is written by
-Robert Browning
  1. What is ‘Sonnet?
-A poem of fourteen lines
  1. Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’?
  1. Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ is a

বাংলাদেশ পল্লী বিদ্যুতায়ন বোর্ড (জুনিয়র ইঞ্জিনিয়ার)

  1. Do you enjoy teaching? Here Teaching’ is a/an
  1. ‘Like a sitting duck’ means -vulnerable
  2. Where is the setting of the play ‘Hamlet”?
  1. Shakib Al Hasan delivered a six–the boundary.
  1. The word meaning of ‘bounty’ is close to the word.
  1. Just now he– his dinner but he says he will see you soon.
-Has had
  1. What is the adjective form of the word ‘people’?
  1. I could not park the limousine. It is right now– the way.
  1. You should not blush– shame at your own mistake.

বাংলাদেশ পল্লী বিদ্যুতায়ন বোর্ড (সহকারী সচিব/সহকারী পরিচালক (প্রশাসন))

  1. He parted– his friends in tears.
  1. As the sun– I decided to go out.
-was shining
  1. The synonym of ‘resentment’ is -Indignation
  2. Three-fourths of the work– finished. -has been
  3. Shakespeare is mostly famous for his
  1. ‘By and large’ means
  1. He could not win but learnt a lot. Which parts of speech is the word ‘but”?
-a conjunction
  1. ‘September on Jessore Road’ was written by
-Allen Ginsberg
  1. ‘Panacea’ means
-cure all
  1. He gave up– football when he got married.
  1. The very first English Dictionary was compiled by
-Samuel Johnson

তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়, বিটিভি (উপসহকারী প্রকৌশলী/স্টুডিও যন্ত্রবিদ)

  1. Choose the correct form of verb in the bracket of the following sentence. The girl (read) the novel since last Saturday.
-The girl has been reading the novel since last Saturday
  1. Choose the appropriate preposition in the blank of the following sentence, The man died–overeating.
  1. I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolate daily This sentence is a/an -Compound sentence
  2. The adjective form of ‘contempt’ is
  1. She was working on her computer with her baby next to Choose the correct answer.
  1. All that glitters is not gold. Here the word ‘All’ is a/an
  1. The synonym of ‘sagacious’ is  -Judicious
  2. The word ‘each’ is an example of -Distributive pronoun
  3. The phrase ‘out of the wood’ means  -Free from difficulties
  4. Find out the antonym of ‘gentle’?  -Rude
11.–honest person never tells a lie. What is the appropriate article
  1. Which one is not a plural number? -Terminus
  2. The correct passive structure of the sentence. ‘Let her sing a song’.
-Let a song be sung by her
  1. Which one of the following sentence contains the correct superlative degree?
-The Padma Bridge is one of the longest bridges in Asia.
  1. He said to her, ‘what a cold day!! select the correct indirect speech.
-He exclaimed that it was a very cold day

SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম  শ্রেণির  শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে


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২০২৩ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature

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