Friday, March 14, 2025

২০২৪ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature

২০২৪ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature হতে বিভিন্ন চাকরি পরীক্ষায় আগত প্রশ্ন

বাংলাদেশ রেলওয়ের (উপ-সহকারী প্রকৌশলী)

  1. “He was rather a disagreeable man’ The word ‘disagreeable in the above sentence is a/an
– adjective
  1. Choose the correct spelling -repetition
  2. The word ‘mean’ can be used only as
– a verb, a noun and an adjective
  1. Identify the word which is spelt correctly
  1. Identify the adjective form of the word ‘comply
  1. When we alleviate something, we make it
-less severe

English Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation

  1. A procrastinator is one who
-delays or postpones actions
  1. A palacontologist is a person who studies
9.What is meant by the word ‘ditto’?
-as before
9.’The German’ refers to
-The German people
  1. A stage on which people stand to make speeches is called a
  1. ‘My father is a down to earth man. Here the expression’ down to earth’ means
-sensible and practical
  1. Which word has nearly the same meaning as’ grave?
  1. A synonym for ‘vigilant is watchful Pick the word that is synonymous with ‘modest’
  1. Choose the correct antonym for ‘despicable’
  1. Which word means the opposite of ‘hate’
  1. Which one of the following is in plural form?
  1. “Neither she nor her brother-present yesterday.
  1. Which one of the following is not a common gender noun?
  1. He always goes to school foot on He has been unwell-last Monday.
  1. Professor Anisuzzaman was a scholar repute.
  1. ‘Wherever you go, you can always find beauty. The sentence above is a -complex sentence
  2. Change the narration:
She asked me, ‘Are you happy with your life?’
-She asked me if I was happy with my life.
23.Who will do the work?
-By whom will the work be done
  1. The idiom “right away” means- → -without delay
25.’I don’t know how she puts up with him.” Here ‘puts up with means -tolerates
  1. As a professional you must— the latest development in your field.
-keep up with
  1. Would you mind the accounts one more time?
  1. I look forward to-
-hearing from you soon
  1. Our world is facing a/an
-environmental crisis that needs to be –as soon as possible.
-unprecedented, addressed
  1. Identify the correct sentence
-I do not know what his plan is.
31.The poem ‘The Solitary Reaper’ is written by
-William Wordsworth
32.’Jane Eyre’ is novel written by  -Charlotte Bronte
  1. In which poem does the following line appear? If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
-Ode to the West Wind
  1. Who is the author of the novel ‘1984’
-George Orwell
  1. Which novel is not written by Jane Austen?
-Little Women
  1. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet is a famous phrase from William Shakespeare’s?
-Romeo and Juliet
  1. Which of the following is not a play written by William Shakespeare?
-Pride and Prejudice

ঢাকা ওয়াসা-এর (উপ-সহকারী প্রকৌশলী)

  1. সঠিক বাক্য
-Paper is made from wood.
  1. সঠিক বাক্য
He asked me if I had passed.
  1. I could not convince– him his mistake.
  1. You must adhere– your principle.
  1. She prides– herself her beauty.
  1. The word disinterested means -neutral
  2. সঠিক বাক্য?
-The teacher had reached before the students came.
  1. What is the abbreviation of DWASA? -Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority

সাধারণ বীমা কর্পোরেশন (জুনিয়র অফিসার)

  1. Compared with their parties, politicians are they are– considerably less enduring than the organizations in -transitory
  2. which they function Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, looks surprisingly — even though it is a cold, dimly lit world made of unknown materials
  1. Although men still dominate the ranks of full professors in the field of astronomy, the increasing number of younger women in the field could– a change in its gender mix
  1. Scientists should hope that the faults in their theories will be–their peers since the refutation of one hypothesis can free its originator to develop a better one.
-discerned by
  1. To criticize a comedy film for being– is a bit silly, since people hardly expect an honest portrayal of reality. –implausible
  2. The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives, supports his arguments with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very— subject. -contentious
  3. Although most land snails are— the giant African snail is a notable exception; it can be 15 inches long and weigh 2 pounds.
  1. Choose the correct spelling. -Accommodate
  2. Choose the incorrectly spelled word. -Recommendation
  3. Choose the correct spelling. -Maneuver
  4. Choose the incorrectly spelled word.
  1. Choose the correct spelling. -Eminent
Question 13 to 18: Select the erroneous part. If there is no error in the sentence, select option E (No Error)
  1. The singer Amitabha Barua, popular
ক. both in Sri Lanka and in
খ.the Maldives,
গ.considered the
ঘ. most infuential jazz musician of the twenty-first century
  1. During the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, home mortgage foreclosures
-that they can no longer afford
  1. Although the govamment
ক. has spent
খ.twenty- odd years and ten thousarid crore taka
গ.planning a reservoir along the Padma River, the plan must be abandoned
ঘ.as a result of the river has become heavily polluted
  1. Had the administrative skills of the Martian depping
-in operations as her chief operating Officer
  1. The electronic conveyor–belt system, which Susan Park
-from over ten hours to just 120 minutes
  1. Unlike the surface of Venus, ক.Titan is largely covered in liquid methane,
খ. lakes, with solid ground
গ. comprising only a fraction of the
ঘ. moon’s total area

English Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation

সাধারণ বীমা কর্পোরেশন (সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক)

  1. Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement are expected to resume today after a two-week
  1. Running a marathon is a test of human
– endurance
  1. It was Governor’s view that the country’s problems had been… by foreign technocrats, so that to Invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
  1. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its—provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.
  1. The salesman wondered if the customers had been adequately– about the side effects of the new drug. +appraised
Question 6 to 10: From the given alternative, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence.
  1. One who is fond of fighting
  1. A paper written by hand
  1. Something that can be heard -Audible
  2. The absence of law and order  -Anarchy
  3. A person not sure of the existence of god
Question– to –Choose the suitable pair of words whose meaning matches the meaning of the given pair.
-Shrine: Sanctity
-Strength: Secrecy
-Wanderlust: Travel
-Dote: Like
  2. Debater: Argument
  3. Business: Profits
  4. Medicine: Curative
  5. Movie: Plot
-Answer None

স্বাস্থ্য ও পরিবার কল্যাণ মন্ত্রণালয়ের (নিপোর্ট-এর হোম ইকোনমিস্ট)

  1. Unless someone helps us will be done
  1. The old man died penniless. Here the underlined word is a/an
  1. Which one is a masculine gender? -ox
  2. The plural form of criterion’ is
  1. Instead of tolerate’ we can say
-bear with
  1. We watched as the sun went down. Here, ‘down” is used as a/an
  1. The Tempest by Shakespeare is a drama What is the noun form of the word ‘successful”?
  1. I don’t know– book it is
  1. The passive form of “We called him a fool’ is
-He was called a fool by us.
  1. The handwriting which cannot clearly read is
  1. Morality is dying– gradually.
  1. ‘Fed’ is the past form of the verb -feed
  2. The door opened automatically. The verb in the sentence is
  1. We had better– the schedule of the examination.
  1. The antonym for the word ‘delete’ is -insert
  2. The study of human race is -anthropology
  3. The word ‘hospitality’ is related to -entertainment
  4. An ‘oncologist’ is one who treats  -cancer
  5. The idiom ‘a piece of cake’ means
-a thing that is very easy to do

পাওয়ার গ্রিড কোম্পানি অব বাংলাদেশ লি. (PGCB)

  1. Who is the author of the drama ‘You Never Can Tell?
-George Bernard Shaw
  1. Shakespeare was born in the year  -1564
  2. Romantic period of English literature -1798-1832
  3. ‘The sun Also Rises’ is written by → -Earnest Hemingway
  4. What is an Epic?
A long poem
  1. Who is ‘Poet of Nature’? →
-William Wordsworth
  1. Who was both a poet & painter? -William Blake
  2. The very first English Dictionary was complied by
-Samuel Johnson
  1. There is milk in the bottle.
-a little
  1. Cut and dry’ means
  1. They went- the rain.
  1. What is the antonym of ‘famous”? -Obscure
  2. What is the synonym of ‘bona fide’? -Authentic
  3. What is the plural number of ‘Ovum”?
  1. ‘Come to light’ means
-To publish
  1. Which one is correct?
  1. The word “precedence’ means -priority
  2. A clause must have
-Subject & Verb
  1. Credit Tk. 6000-my account.
  1. Masculine gender of ‘deer’ is

পাওয়ার গ্রিড বাংলাদেশ পিএলসি (জুনিয়র হিসাব সহকারী)

SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম  শ্রেণির  শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে

  1. Walking is good for health.
Here walking is-
  1. He always goes home–foot.
  1. Who, Which, what, whom are- -Relative pronoun
  2. Which of the following words is singular?
  1. The passive form of the sentence, ‘I knew the man’
-The man was known to me.
  1. Dhaka is becoming on of the–cities in Asia.
  1. ‘Go to the dogs’ means
-Be ruined
  1. ‘Our sweetest songs are those tell us of saddest thought’ quoted from
-P.B. Shelley

পাওয়ার গ্রিড বাংলাদেশ পিএলসি (কারিগরি সহায়ক)

  1. He is poor– honest.
  1. Education is enlightening. Here ‘enlightening is
-A participle
  1. Man cannon live alone. the word ‘alone’ is used here as.
  1. Noun of the word ‘beautiful’ is → -beauty
  2. What is the antonym of word ‘Punishment’
  1. নিচের কোনটি ব্যতিক্রম?
  1. John Keats is primarlly a poet of -Beauty
  2. ‘The Solitary Reaper’ is written by
-Ezra pound

প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক (২য় ধাপ) ২০১৪

  1. We are having a friendly– about football
  1. Walking is good for health’-এ বাক্যে walking শব্দটি
  1. Praise শব্দের antonym কোনটি?
-Scold, Rebuke, Reprimand
  1. He will stick-noting
  1. What is an epic?
-a long poem
  1. “Thank you very much”-এর বাক্যে very একটি
  1. One who deals in cattle is
  1. Which one is the incorrect sentence?
-We reached at home yesterday
  1. Many শব্দের Synonym কোনটি?  -Numerous
  2. Ernest Hemingway কোন দেশের সাহিত্যিক?
  1. ‘Worse’ শব্দটি Adjective-এর কোন degree?
  1. ‘She copied the word’-এ বাক্যে copied শব্দটি
  1. He would- arrested if he had tried unfairmeans
-have been
  1. Adjacent to- phrase-এর অর্থ -নিকটবর্তী
  2. কোনটি সঠিক বানান?
  1. কোন গ্রন্থটি william Blake-এর লেখা? -The School Boy
  2. নিচের কোন গ্রন্থটির রচয়িতা H.G. Wells?
-The Times Machine, The Invisible Man

প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক (৩য় ধাপ) ২০২৪

  1. What kind of noun is ‘Infant’?  -Common
  2. Identify the correct spelling: -Equilibrium
  3. I will do it tomorrow’-এ বাক্যে tomorrow কোনে parts of speech? → -Adverb
  4. Sapling শব্দের অর্থ কী?
  1. Which sentence is correct?
-He need not go.
  1. ‘Call name’ indicates
  1. He was dressed – a black suit.
  1. Which sentence is correct?
-One of my friends is sick
  1. ‘Rudimentary’ শব্দটির অর্থ কী? -প্রাথমিক
  2. Either he or his friends– done it. -have
  3. An adverb does not modify
  1. The synonym of ‘Outset’ is -Beginning
  2. Indefinite pronoun-এর উদাহরণ কোনটি?
  1. Time after twilight and before night  -Dusk
  2. The poet of beauty’ is
– Keats
  1. Open the door. (Make it passive) -Let the door be opened
  2. Bangladesh was– in 1971.
  1. Have you ever been– Dhaka?
  1. কোনটি Abstract noun?

১৮তম প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন পরীক্ষা (কলেজ পর্যায়) ২০২৪

  1. ”To read between the lines” means -to grasp the hidden meaning
2.– mother rose in her.
3.– ,I would have called her
-If Rina had seen me
  1. Do you enjoy teaching? The underlined word is
  1. English– across the world.
-is spoken
  1. Who will help you? The passive form is
– By whom will you be helped?
  1. I am used- in crowded places.
-to studying
  1. A speech full of many words is
-a verbose speech
  1. The enemy gave in a last. Here “gave in” means
  1. The phrase ‘get the axe’ means
-lose the job
  1. The spectator was a lady,–?
– wasn’t she
  1. Now many women are working home with men.
  1. The verb form of ‘deceit is
  1. The singular form ‘criteria’ is -criterion
  2. The ‘adjective’ form of ‘contribution’ is
  1. Move and die. Make it simple
-By moving you will die.
  1. The synonym of ‘intimidate’ is -frighten
  2. Choose the correct answer
-A small number of students were present.
  1. The antonym of the word ‘delete’ is -insert
  2. “A letter is going to be written by me”-Make it active
-I am going to write a latter.
  1. Beat about the bush-এর সঠিক অনুবাদ
-যেখানে দেখিবে ছাই উড়াইয়া দেখ তাই  22.ধুমপান স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ক্ষতিকর Correct translation in English
-Smoking is telling upon health.
  1. He visits the school off and on. “Off and on” means
  1. I have left the room but he (enter) the room– has entered
  2. What is the time– your watch?

SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম  শ্রেণির  শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে


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২০২৪ সালে   PSC & other Exam পরীক্ষায় English Language & Literature

Classification of verb

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