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বাংলাদেশ পেট্রোলিয়াম এক্সপ্লোরেশন অ্যান্ড প্রোডাকশন কোম্পানি লি. (সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক)
English Language & Literature বিস্তারিত দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন BCS English Literature Preparation
Find the meaning of the word. ‘Exonerate’
Find the meaning of the word. ‘Perturb’
– Worry
Find the meaning of the word. ‘Estrange’
Find the meaning of the word. ‘Squander’
Find the meaning of the word “Accolade’
You can only do it– my dead body. -over
7.I did not do it intentionally, it was totally–
The present– green forest of the area is a far cry from the dirty, foul smelling landfill that it was a decade ago.
Please do not intrude– my privacy -into
Today student should be reconciled–the way things are changing
Man who has committed such an– crime must get the most severe punishment.
Nelson Mandela will go– in history as one of the greatest men that ever lived.
Before the– of the Europeans in India, India was a free country
The king– the throne and became a hermit.
Anwar was debarred –appearing in the exam.
প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় (সহকারী পরিচালক)
Antonym of the word Concord? -conflict
‘Visage’ in Shelley’s Ozymandias refers to?
Choose the correct Spelling. -Perseverance
Still waters run deep. এখানে ‘Still’ শব্দটি?
What does the Abbreviation ‘AD’ stands for?
-Anno Domini
The Phrase ‘Achilles heel’ means?
-a week point
The idiom ‘put up with’ means -Tolerate
Choose the correct spelling. -Sovereignty
Give the antonym of the word ‘transitory’
Which one is in plural number? → -Oxen
Who is the writer of ‘The House of Fame?
-Geoffrey Chaucer
‘Once in a blue moon’ means
-very rarely
‘Calligraphy’ কী?
-হন্ডুলিপি বিদ্যা
Study of religion is called to -Theology
Identify the word that can be used as both singular and plural.
Which word is closest in meaning to Franchise”?
Honey is– sweet.
What is the meaning of the idioms ‘A bad egg”
-A person who is good for nothing
The word bounty is closest in meaning to
Which of the following is not a ‘verb’
-bounden (adjective, bounden এর অর্থ আবদ্ধ
London town is found as a living being in the works of
-Charles Dickens
SSC/HSC / ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম/দশম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীরা নতুন নতুন সাজেশান্স ও নোট পেতে আমাদের Website Eduexplain / Facebook এ Like/Follow দিয়ে রাখো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে ।
প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় সহকারী পরিচালক (নন-টেকনিক্যাল)।
Trees have– off their leaves.
To read between the line’ means
-to grasp the hidden meaning
The verb ‘Succumb’ means
– submit
Choose the correct synonym for ‘Extempore’.
‘Bootleg’ means to
‘Dog days’ means
-Hot weather
If I– a king!
Be sure to get enough food so that no one will have to go hungry’. The underlined clause is
-An adverb clause
Prices of bicycle can run — Tk 2000.
-as high as
Nisam walks as if he– lame.
What is the meaning of the word ‘euphemism’?
-Inoffensive expression
Who among the following writers is not a noble Laureate?
-Grahame Greene
‘Call me if you face any problem regarding your work’. Here regarding is a
The word ‘dilly – dally’ means
-waste of time
‘Plebiscite’ is a term related to -Politics
Choose the correct antonym for oblige
In English grammar,– deals with formation sentences.
Eight men were concerned– the plot.
‘Octogenarian’ is a person between the age of
-80-89 years
‘Pediatric’ relates to the treatment of
Change the Voice ‘Who is calling me’?
-By whom am I being called?
‘Fag end’ means
-the last part
পরিবার পরিকল্পনা অধিদপ্তর (পরিবার কল্যাণ পরিদর্শিকা)
‘Paediatrics’ relates to the treatment of
‘Lady Chatterley’s lover’ was written by the author of
-The Rainbow
Which is the noun of the word “beautiful”?
The word least is the superlative degree of
Which one is the exact synonym for the word extempore?
‘We read novels’ passive voice form -Novels are read by us
Shakespeare is known mostly for his -Plays
‘Few and far between’ means
-very few
Which is the plural form of mouse? -Mice
‘Rule of thumb’ means
-a rule based on past on past experience rather than on theory
We sat– the teacher
I had a talk with him. Here ‘talk’ is a -noun
Five miles– a long distance
‘Maiden speech’ means
-first speech
Select the right compound structure of the sentence ‘though he is poor, he is honest’.
-As he is poor, he is honest
If you work hard, you will succeed in life.
‘Slow and steady’ the race
‘Pros and cons’ means.
-Merits and demerits
পিএসসি নন-ক্যাডার (সিনিয়র স্টাফ নার্স)
Identify the correct sentence
-He came home yesterday
Do not laugh at the lame man. The passive form of this sentence is
-Let not the lame man be laughed at
The antonym of the word ‘transitory’ is
A person who writes about his own life. Writes
-an autobiography
সে কি গতকাল বাড়ি এসেছে? The correct translation of this sentence is -Did he come home yesterday?
‘At sixes and sevens’ means
-in a confused state
The synonym for ‘patient’s is
‘Do call a taxi’ what kind of sentence is this?
Choose the correctly spelt word -Gonorrhoea
Use the right form of verb: I wish I (be) greed businessman.
Which one is an example of a positive degree?
Nursing is a noble profession. In this sentence ‘nursing’ is used as a/an -Gerund
He lives- honest means.
Dhaka is becoming one of the–cities in Asia
He insisted– my going there.
You had better– home.
My daughter goes to– university everyday,
-no article
One should take care of– health. -one’s
Pick the correctly written possessive case.
-Girls’ college
Which of the following is written by Shakespeare?
-The Tempest
বিমান বাংলাদেশ এয়ারলাইন্স লিমিটেড (অ্যাডমিন অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট)
Fatema is adamant about her future plan
-Insistent (Synonym)
The Police is going clamp down– drug dealers
I waited for my friend until he–
– came
Which of the following sentence is correct?
-I think of him as my best friend
Choose the synonym of ‘Compassion’
‘Put up with’ means
Identify the word which is spelt incorrectly
Which word means the opposite of ‘Dearth’?
You may go for a walk if you feel– it. -like
‘Cut and dry’
-Already decided
What is the verb of the word ‘shortly’?
12.It was I– he wanted to sing to. -whom
The antonym for ‘Genuine’ is -Erroneous
In time of financial crisis, such lavish expenditure should be– -Curtailed
Constitution:Preamble -Book:Preface
16.I Spent– with the patient.
-Some time
‘Spill the beans’ means
-Reveal someone’s secret
The phrase ‘end in smoke’ means -come to nothing