Monday, March 31, 2025

Parts of Speech জানব এক পলকেই

Parts of Speech

Under line করা Word গুলোই Parts of Speech নির্দেশ করে





Names a person, place, thing or idea

Cat, Pencil, School, books, School, home

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.

My friend Rakib is an artist.


Replace a noun

He, She, it, they, you, we, our, I, Your

He is very clever.

They are happy.


Describes or modifies a noun or pronoun

Tall, red, long, blue, beautiful, small

Ruhul is an intelligent boy.

He is so tall.


Describes an actions or activities

Run, eat, read, see, talk, listen, sit

She broke the glass.

We love our country.


Modifies a verb, adjective or another

badly, slowly, silently, always, very

He ran quickly catch the bus.

She is a very beautiful girl.


Relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words

At, in, on, of, after, under

She saw me under the table.

The dog bit her on leg.


Connects words phrases or clauses

And, but, or, yet, because, either, neither

I trust him because he is an honest.

Rohan and Babu are two friends.


Expresses strong emotion

Alas!, hello!, Hurrah!, oh!, well done!

Hurrah! Today is holiday.

Alas! He is no more.

আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ

আপনাদের উৎসাহ আমাদের অনুপ্রাণিত করবে।


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