Phrase কাকে বলে?
Phrase হচ্ছে এমন একটি শব্দগুচ্ছ (group of words) যাতে কোনো Subject এবং Finite verb থাকে না। কিন্তু Sentence- এ ব্যবহৃত হয়ে কোনো Parts of Speech- এর ন্যায় কাজ করে। যেমন- The man in blue shirt is my father.
What is Idiom?
An idiom is a group of words, or in other words, a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal meaning of the words in it(Idioms হল একটি বহুল ব্যবহৃত উক্তি বা অভিব্যক্তি যা একটি রূপক অর্থ ধারণ করে যা শব্দগুচ্ছের আক্ষরিক অর্থ থেকে আলাদা থাকে।)
Some Common Phrase and Idioms here
A List of Important Idioms & Phrases In English Meaning
Idioms & Phrases = Meaning
ABC = primary knowledge
A castle in the air= a day dream
A dead letter = useless document
A fair crack of the whip = a period of importance
A fish out of water = uncomfortable situation
A green horn = an inexperienced person
A mammoth task = a herculean task/ a difficult task
A round dozen = a full dozen
A sitting duck = an easy target
A square peg in a round hole = unsuitable
A stitch in times saves nine = timely action
A utopian scheme = an unreal plan fault which is small but can cause a person’s
Achilles ‘ heel = fall
All and sundry = everyone
All Greek = totally unintelligible
All in = tired
উপরে দেয়া Answer Sheet বাটনে ক্লিক করে পিডিএফ প্রশ্ন উত্তর ডাউনলোড করে নিন। ডাউনলোড করতে অসুবিধা হলে ইনবক্স করুন WhatsApp নাম্বারে ০১৭৭৩৫৮৬১৭৬ । ষষ্ঠ থেকে নবম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীরা অন্যান্য বিষয়ের নোট ও সাজেশান্স পেতে আমাদের You Tube Channel Subscribe করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে
Apple of discord = matter of dispute
Apple of sedum = good for nothing
As though = as if
At a loss = at one’s wit’s end
At a low ebb = declining
At arm’s length = short distance
At bay = in a tight corner
At daggers = drawn on the point of fighting
At sixes and sevens = chaotic condition
At stake = in danger
Bad blood = ill feeling, animosity
Bag and baggage = with all possessions
Beat the clock = finish the task
Beggar description = beyond description
Behind closed doors = secretly
Between the lines = hidden meaning
Bid fair show = signs of prosperity
Big guns = important people
Bill of fare = a list of dishes at restaurant
Birds-eye view = overall picture/ rough idea
Bite the dust = fall to the ground
Black and blue = covered with bruises
Black sheep = wicked man
Blue colour job = a job with manual labour
Blue blood = aristocratic birth, aristocracy
Blue chips = industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
Bolt from the blue = unexpected danger
Bottom line = the essential point
Break the ice = break the silence
Bring to book = take to task
Bring to light = make open, published
Bring to pass = cause to happen
Bull market = rising
Burning question = important issue
By and by = SOON
By and large = everywhere
By fits and starts = irregularly
Call in question = doubt
Call to mind = remember
Capital punishment = death penalty
Carry into effect = make into reality
Carry the day = win, be victorious
Cat’s paw = a person used by another as a tool or dupe
Close-fisted man miser
Cock and bull story = absurd story/ unbelievable story/ A false story
Come to an end = end
Come to light = to publish
Come to terms = any group of words considered as a member of construction
Crocodile tears = false tears
Cry in the wilderness = unheard appeal
Crying needs = important
Culpable homicide = murder
Cut a sad figure = cut a sorry figure
Cut and dry = already decided
Dark horse = unknown person
Dead against = strongly opponent
Dead language = a language which is no longer in use
Dead letter = law that is not in force
Deep water = in trouble
Die in harness = die under the pressure of tasks
Dilly Dally = to waste time frivolously
Dog days = hot weather
Double game = double edged policy
Down to earth = realistic
Draw the line = to set a limit at something
End in smoke = fail
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Ended in fiasco = complete failure
Every now and then = often/ frequent
Fair and square = honest
Fall flat = become failed
Far and near = all around
Few and far = between rarely
Fight shy = avoid
Flesh and blood = human body
Flying colors = win
Fool’s paradise = a state of being happy for foolish
For good = for ever/ permanently
French leave = leave without permission
From cradle = to grave from birth to death
Full fledged = full
Gala day = a day of festivity
Get along = to be amiable with one
Get rid of = to be free
Gift of the gab = power of delivering speech
Go through = read lightly
Greek to = unknown, unintelligible
Half a chance = an opportunity, a reasonable chance
Hand in glove = close/ intimate
Hard and fast = fixed
Hard up = insolvent; with insufficient money
Head in the cloud = day dream
Heart and soul = fixed
Herculean task = a very difficult task
Hit the roof = be angry
Hold water = bear examination
Horns of a dilemma = danger in both side
Hot water = be in problem
Hue and cry = noise
Hush money = bribe
In a fix = difficult situation, at a loss, puzzled/ perplexed
In a nutshell = briefly
In abeyance = adjourn
In addition = to additionally, further
In black and white = in writing
In cold blood = calmly and calculatedly
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
In lieu of = in stead of
In the face of = against
In the nick of time = in right time
In the teeth of = experiencing something difficult
In vogue = in fashion
Irony of fate = by bad luck
Jaundiced eye = biased views
Keep body and soul together = to keep alive hardly
Kith and kin = relatives
Lame excuse = bad plea
Landslide victory = very substantial win
Lay waste = destroy
Leave no stone unturned = try all means
Lion’s share = major portion
Live from hand to mouth = live in poor circumstance
Long and short substance = abstract
Look before you leap = be wary
Look down upon = to hate
Look forward = to wait for something with joy
Loom large = important role
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Loophole = flaws
Lose the day = to become defeated
Maiden speech = first speech
Make a case = to give reason why something has been done
Make a clean breast of = to admit the fault with open mind
Make a mountain of = to make the small bigger unnecessarily
Make good = to compensate
Make out = to understand
Make up one’s mind = decide something by someone
Man of letters = learned man, scholar
Man of straw = a worthless man
Marvel at = be taken aback
Milk and water = lifeless
Moot point = undecided matter
Look before you leap = be wary
Look down upon = to hate
Look forward = to wait for something with joy
Loom large = important role
Loophole = flaws
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সবগুলো Phrases & Idioms here
Lose the day = to become defeated
Maiden speech = first speech
Make a case = to give reason why something has been done
Make a clean breast of = to admit the fault with open mind
Make a mountain of = to make the small bigger unnecessarily
Make good = to compensate
Make out = to understand
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Make up one’s mind = decide something by someone
Man of letters = learned man, scholar
Man of straw = a worthless man
Marvel at = be taken aback
Milk and water = lifeless
Moot point = undecided matter
Out and out = completely; thoroughly
Over head and ears = deeply
Palmy days = day of prosperity
Part and parcel = an integral part
Pass the buck = to pass the blame to someone else
Past master = expert
Pick holes = in find faults with
Pin money = sundry expenses
Plough sands = do useless work
Point blank = directly
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Pros and cons = advantages and disadvantages
Put heads together = to discuss solve any problems
Put up with = to tolerate
Raise one’s eyebrow = to cause surprise
Rank and file = common person
Riding for a fall = to act recklessly
Right and left = indiscriminately
Run into debt = borrow something
Run riot behave = in a lawless way
Run short = to finish
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Salt of life = valuable things
Scape-goat = blame to others
Silver lining = hope
Sine die = for an uncertain period
Sit on the fence = remain neutral in a dispute
Six of one, and half dozen of another = negligible difference
Smell a rat doubt = impugn
Snake in the grass = a secret foe, a hidden enemy
Soft soap = flattery for self motives
Sorry figure = poor result
Eduexplain এর সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
Spare no pains = leave no stone unturned
Stone’s throw = within very short distance
Swan song = last work
Take a fancy = to like
Take into account = to consider
Take the bull by the horns = to challenge the enemy with courage
The three R’s = elementary education
Three score = three times twenty
Through and through = completely
Through thick and thin =under all conditions, every way and every time
Throw cold water = discourage
To do away with = to get rid of
To end in smoke = to come to nothing
To get along = with to adjust
To kick the bucket = die
To meet trouble half way = to be puzzled
To put the cart before the horse = to reverse the natural order of things
To raise one’s eye-brow = show surprise or disapproval
To stick to one’s gun = to refuse to change one’s position
Tooth and nail = strongly
Tom, Dick, and Harry = ordinary or common people
Tumble down = stumble
Turn over a new leaf = open a new chapter
Up and doing = active and lively
Up to the mark = standard
Ups and downs = rises and falls
Vexed question = difficult problem
Weal and woe = happiness and sorrow
Wear and tear = damage
Well off = solvent
Well-to-do = rich, solvent
White elephant = a very costly and troublesome possession
White color job = a job without manual labour
Widow’s mite = small contribution of a poor man
Worth one’s while = profitable
Yeoman’s service = valuable help
Idioms and Phrase সম্পর্কে আজকে এই পর্যন্তই।
এখন বাংলা অর্থ ও বাক্যসহ
Most impotent Phrase and Idioms একসাথে সবগুলো
ABC (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান) – He’s learning his ABC at school.
A bed of roses (ফুলসজ্জা, সুখকর অবস্থা) Life is not a bed of roses.
A bird’s eye view (এক নজর দর্শন, ভাসা ভাসা দৃশ্য) – We took a bird’s eye view of the scenery.
A black sheep (কুলাঙ্গার) Every family has a black sheep.
A castle in the air (আকাশ কুসুম কল্পনা) Only fools can build castle in the air.
A cock and bull story (আজগুবি গল্প) His cock and bull story cannot influence me.
A far cry (বিশাল ব্যবধান) – This flat is a far cry from the house they had before. A fish out of water (অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা) My condition is just like a fish out of water. A fool’s paradise (বোকার স্বর্গ) Nobody should live in fool’s paradise.
A foregone conclusion (অবশ্যম্ভাবী) His defeat in the war was a foregone conclusion.
A lot of (প্রচুর)- There are a lot of dangerous drivers in our country.
A man of letters (বিদ্বান/পণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি) A man of letters is properly conscious of his duties.
A man of straw (দুর্বল চিত্তের লোক) A man of straw never wins a race.
A man of word (এক কথার লোক) I am a man of words.
অর্থ ও বাক্যসহ Phrase and Idioms জানবো
যেকোনো পরীক্ষার জন্য Phrase and Idioms জানা দরকার।
A rainy day (দুর্দিন) – A wise man saves something for a rainy day.
A red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দিন; an important day) – The first day of college, it was a red letter day.
A nine days wonder (ক্ষণিকের আনন্দ; pleasure for a short time) – His music was derided by an older generation convinced that he was a nine-day wonder.
A round dozen (পূর্ণ ডজন; ১২টি) I want a round dozen of banana.
A sitting duck (সহজ লক্ষ্যবস্তু) – With their bullets all gone, the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy.
A snake in the grass (গোপন শত্রব) A snake in the grass is very dangerous.
A square pig in a round whole (অনুপযোগী) He is a square pig in a round whole for the post.
A stone’s throw (কাছাকাছি) The hotel is just a stone’s throw from the beach.
A storm in a tea cup (তুচ্ছ বিষয়ে প্রচণ্ড আলোড়ন) – Don’t raise a storm in a tea cup on this simple issue.
A thorn in the flesh (বাধা প্রদানকারী, বিরক্তিকর) – I want to get rid of the man, a thorn in the flesh.
A trying time (কঠিন সময়) After flood, we are passing through a trying time.
A verbose speech (বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ বক্তৃতা) A verbose speech is not fruitful at all.
A vicious circle (দুষ্ট চক্র) A vicious circle is a situation which cannot be changed.
A woman’s work is never done (মহিলাদের কাজ কখনো শেষ হয় না) Man may work from sun to subnet a woman’s work is never done,
Achilles’ heel (দুর্বল জায়গা)- Though he is a good person, his short temper is his Achilles’ heel.
Class 8/Class 9/ Class 10/ SSC/HSC সহ সকল শ্রেণির জন্য Phrase and Idioms জানতে হবে।
Add up (হিসাব মেলানো, যুক্তিগ্রাহ্য হওয়া) I can’t understand why she did it, it really does not add up.
After one’s own heart (মনের মতো) She is a woman after my own heart.
All along (সবসময়) – He was present in the meeting all along.
All at once (হঠাৎ) – All at once the baby began to cry All but (প্রায়; almost, about) – The work is all but finished.
All For (অধিক ব্যাকুল) The cowboy is all for going to school.
All in (খুব ব্লা) I felt all in after the meeting.
All in all (সর্বেসর্বা। Nobody is all in all now a days.
An early bird (যে আগে ওঠে/আগে আসে) – He is always an early bird in the meeting.
Apple of discord (বিবাদের মূল বিষয়) – A piece of land was the apple of discord between two countries.
As good as (বলতে গেলে) – My children are as good as gold.
As much as (যত দূর সম্ভব) I will do as much as I can.
As per (অনুযায়ী, সমান তালে) – In our country the salary is not increasing as per price hike.
At a loss (কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়: কী করা উচিত ভেবে না পাওয়া) – He is at a loss to decide how to deal with the matter.
At all costs (যে কোনো মূল্যে) We must at all costs catch the 30 train.
At arm’s length (নিরাপদ দূরত্বে)-we should keep bad boys at arm’s length. At dagger’s drawn (ভীষণ শত্রৰতায়)-The two brothers are at daggers drawn with each other.
At home (দক্ষ) – He is at home in English.
At home (আরাম)- I never feel at home in Dhaka City.
At large (স্বাধীনভাবে; ব্যাপকভাবে; freely) – This group is not representative of the population at large.
At once (এক্ষুণি; ততক্ষণাৎ) The audience at once greeted him warmly At one’s beck and call (কারো আজ্ঞাধীন) She is always at the beck and call of his master.
At one’s wit’s end (হতবুদ্ধি) Hearing the news of his death I was at my wit’s end.
At sixes and sevens (এলোমেলো) -I found all my books on the table at sixes and sevens.
At stake (বিপন্ন) -My life is at stake now. At the eleventh hour (শেষ মুহূর্তে) They arrived at the station at the eleventh hour.
Avail oneself of (সুযোগ নেয়া) -Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of facilities.
Bad bargain (বেশি দামে কেনা) You have made a bad bargain in buying the book. Bag and baggage (তল্পিতল্পাসহ) He left the place bag and baggage.
Be in hot water (ঝামেলায় পড়া) -If the headmaster sees you doing this, you will be in hot water.
Beat about the bush (ঘুরিয়ে বলা)-Rabin has a habit of beating about the bush. Beat black and blue (বেদম প্রহার করা) They beat the thief black and blue. Beggar description (অবর্ণনীয় হওয়া) His miseries beggar description.
Believe one’s ears (বিস্মিত হওয়া) He could not believe his ears.
(Hit) Below the belt (অবৈধ কিছু করা) Her comments hit below the belt. Below the mark (আদর্শ মানে নিচে) The commodities supplied by you are below the mark.
Benefit of the doubt (সন্দেহাবসর) The thief got the benefit of the doubt. Between the devil and deep sea (মহাসংকটে) – Surrounded by the ill politics, Bangladeshis are now between the devil and deep sea.
Bill of fare (মেনু, খাদ্য তালিকা)- Please show me the bill of fare.
Black and blue (কোনো আঘাত বা দুর্ঘটনার দাগ) His arm was black and blue.
Black and white (লিখিতভাবে) – We charged against him in black and white Blue blood (আভিজাত্য) – Man should not boast of his blue blood.
Blue chips (নিরাপদ বিনিয়োগ) – Garments industry is considered to be a blue chip.
Bolt from the blue (Garmente news of his father’s death came to him as a bolt from the blue.
চাকরির পরীক্ষার জন্য কমন একটি টপিক Phrase and Idioms